Adelka and Peter’s official wedding took place on the exotic Caribbean island of Antigua, and photographs were taken by Vanessa Hall. As they enjoyed the day without their families, they decided to have another wedding ceremony later in a beautiful town of Bardejov in Slovakia which happens to be Adelka’s hometown. This lovely Slovak-Scottish couple asked me to capture as many moments and emotions as I could in the company of their families and friends. With the closest family members and friends they managed to put together the most laid back wedding party I’ve ever had the opportunity to shoot. Well, see for yourselves and feel free to post your comments.
Adelka and Peter’s wedding was also featured on Czech wedding blog Originální Svatba.
Adelka a Peter mali oficiálnu svadbu na exotických ostrovoch Antigua v Karibiku kde ich fotila fotografka Vanessa Hall. Keďže si to užili osamote bez prítomnosti rodiny, rozhodli sa, že si to zopakujú ešte raz o pár týždňov neskôr na Slovensku, v nádhernom meste Bardejov, ktorý je rodným mestom Adelky. Tento milý slovensko-škótsky pár ma požiadal aby som zachytil čo najviac momentov a emócií v spoločnosti ich rodiny a priateľov. V úzkom kruhu najbližších zorganizovali určite naj easy svadbu, akú som mal možnosť doteraz fotiť. Nakoniec, pozrite sa sami a napíšte svoj komentár.
Svadba Adelky a Petra bola zverejnená aj na českom svadobnom blogu Originální Svatba.
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Music credit: Valerie Yap – Eyes for You – iTunes

Bride: Frey Wille Wedding Ring, La Sposa Wedding Dress, Vivienne Westwood Heart Shoes
Groom: ALO Diamonds Wedding Ring, Wedding Outfit Made in Scotland :)
Venue: Cactus Bardejov
by Brano Novak
Adelka a Peter :: Braňo Novák Photography | Originální Svatba - […] photos from the Slovak-Scottish Weddings of Adelka and Petra can be seen here […]