Wedding | Svadba | Fero & Lucia | Slovakia | Prešov

Už pri prvom stretnutí s Ferom a Luciou som cítil, ako veľmi sme si ľudsky sadli. Bolo to úžasné, pretože sa nestáva príliš často, aby si v podstate úplne neznámi ľudia začali rozumieť už po pár chvíľach a krátkom rozhovore. Som veľmi rád, že som ich stretol a že mi dovolili vstúpiť na jeden celý deň do ich súkromia a zachytiť ich jedinečný svadobný príbeh plný radosti a emócií.

Svadba bola 6. októbra 2012 a vonku „zúrilo“ babie leto vo svojej plnej kráse. Deň bol zaliaty slnkom bez jediného obláčika a my sme do poslednej chvíle nemali definitívne určené miesto pre portrétne fotenie, pretože tých miest sme mali od začiatku na výber niekoľko. Nakoniec sme si spoločne vybrali jedno z najkrajších miest v Prešove – prešovskú Kalváriu. A myslím, že sme urobili dobre ;)

Fero a Lucia, ste úžasný pár a prajem Vám veľa šťastia v živote.


When I first met Fero and Lucia I felt like we instantly clicked. It was amazing, as it doesn’t really happen very often for total strangers to get along so well after just a few minutes and a short conversation. I’m very happy to have met them. It makes me feel special that they allowed me to spend the entire day with them and capture their unique wedding story full of happiness and emotions.

On Saturday, 6th of October 2012, it was time for the big day. Presov basked in Indian summer, with cloudless blue sky over our heads, but we still didn’t decide where shooting the portraits would take place, as there were more options and more places to choose from. At last, we all agreed that it was going to be Kalvaria – one of the most beautiful spots in Presov. And I believe we did well ;)

Fero and Lucia, you’re a wonderful couple and I wish you both a long and happy life.

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 Music credit: James Blackshaw – Fix – iTunes

November 27, 2012 - 9:22 am

tatiana - love the pics and atmosphere and I’m glad to be the very first person “to like” your new webpage :) I keep my fingers crossed for you my love, you’re truly a talented photographer and I wish you lots and lots of amazing wedding stories and lots and lots of fun xxx Fero and Lucia, good luck to you guys, it was a pleasure to meet you :) t. x

November 27, 2012 - 10:59 am

Lucia - My mozeme, len z celeho srdca podakovat, najma za uzasne fotky,no tiez za prijemnu spolupracu a perfektny pristup. Naozaj Brano & Tani, velke DAKUJEME…;)Sme radi, ze nase najkrasie chvile sme dali zdokumentovat do ruk toho spravneho fotografa, diky Brano :)Veeela stastia!! a nech tvoj talent sa zhodnocuje a robi druhym radost tak, ako nam:) F&L

November 28, 2012 - 12:19 pm

Ume - I like your photos. I could feel good atmosphere and everybody enjoyed. And also I could know Slovak wedding style only from your pics despite have never attended it.
Commented from Australia.

August 9, 2013 - 6:11 pm

zdenek - Blahozelam ti k tvojim fotkam. Mas to tu fakt krasne.

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